Health Partners MD

Empowering Healthy Transformations

Our current healthcare system is destroying us

It’s time for a change

It’s time for Medicine 3.0


Rates of chronic disease are climbing. Despite taking more medications and spending more money on healthcare every year, people are getting sicker. Life expectancy is decreasing. Outcomes are worsening. People don’t want to be sick. They want to thrive. They want help.


Unwilling to be a part of a system that prioritizes profits over patients, clinicians are leaving medicine at alarming rates. We went into medicine to help people thrive – to help people- and more often than not, we find ourselves cogs in a machine, lacking autonomy or agency.


Employers are funneling more and more money toward providing healthcare every year – yet they aren’t getting a return on this investment. They want healthy, happy employees that thrive – inside and outside of the workplace. They feel trapped by the current system. They need help.